EU-Dom: Landbrugsstøtte skal være hemmelig

Det er i strid med menneskerettighederne at offentliggøre navne og beløb på modtagere af EU’s landbrugsstøtte, har EU-domstolen fastlagt i en dom.

Domstolen mener, at også formålet med støtten skal indgå i offentliggørelsen. Og når det ikke er med, er det forkert at oplyse om støttebeløb.

Tyskland og Irland har lukket for deres sider med landbrugsstøtte, men oplysningerne kan i dag hentes på

Det er svært i dag at forudsige konsekvenserne af afgørelsen.

Se artikel om sagen i Jyllands-Posten og Politiken.

Se Jack Thurstons, Brigitte Alfters og min fælles kommentar til sagen på vegne af

I går sendte Kommissionen besked til medlemslandene om, at den fremsætter forslag til nye regler for offentliggørelse på baggrund af dommen. Brevet fra Kommissionen lyder således:

Kommissionens reaktion
“Subject: Judgement of the Court of 9/11/2010 in cases C-92/09 and C-93/09 Volker und Markus Scheke GbR and Hartmut Eifert

Member States are informed that the Court issued its ruling on 09.11.2010 in the cases cited in the subject. For individuals receiving aid from EAGF and EAFRD, this ruling in an appeal partially invalidates Council Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005 and in particular Article 44a which introduces an obligation for Member States to publish the data of beneficiaries of agricultural fund. It invalidates Commission Regulation (EC) No. 259/2008 in its entirety.

Consequently, with immediate effect, all Member States are requested to suspend the publication of data on individual beneficiaries affected by the invalidated provisions.

As regards legal persons, provided this is technically and administratively feasible, Member States may continue to publish the data. It is requested from Member States to kindly inform the Commission during the Funds Committee meeting of November 16 2010, if they are technically and administratively able to distinguish between natural and legal persons.

The Commission will embark on the drafting of a new proposal for a Council and Parliament Regulation (amendment of Regulation (EC) N° 1290/2005) which will take account of the objections raised by the Court.”

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