Training at Data Harvest 2014
Revised 15th of May 2014 Kaas & Mulvad did a lot of presentations and training at Data Harvest in Brussels 8th to 11th of May 2014 Get stories out of fresh Farmsubsidy data We have now extracted 2013 data from 25 countries, totalling 26,1 bio Euro. Last year we got data on 26,6 bio. Euro […]
11 tips for scrapers at the next level
Nils Mulvad, editor at Kaas & Mulvad, associate professor at The Danish School of Media and Journalism, session When to Scrape: Tools and techniques. Saturday 1st of March 2014, Baltimore, Nicar Scraping data on a daily basis on foreing workers in Denmark – purpose to help controlling fair payment is paid to the workers. Foto: […]
Ressources for GIJC-conference in Rio 2013
Google Fusion Open Refine Helium Scraper Social and mobile media for investigative journalism. Paul Myers: Researchclinic Pitch of Investigative Reporting Denmank and a concrete cross-border project on pesticides. Material for the network-meeting on climate and environment. Handout with methods, findings and tips for uncovering secrets in food and nature. We will upload material, when it […]
Good data sources and methods
[View the story “Good data-sources and methods” on Storify]
Scraping for data
Tools and tricks for extracting data from the web. [View the story “Scraping for data” on Storify]
Covering events and investigative journalism melts together
Gathering and archiving information from social media, fact-checking, crowdsourcing, using big datasets and interactive graphics are all methods to be shared and developed both in the coverage of events and investigative journalism.
A nearby storm to hit journalism education
Education in journalism will get the same turmoil as the media have been through for the last 20 years. It begins now in big scale.
Experiences from Data Harvest Festival in Europa
Close to 100 journalists, vizualisers and hackers gathered data and shared methods 6th to 8th of May 2012 in Brussels.
Fish subsidy data published – and a new analysis New online database of €1.1 billion in EU fisheries subsidies; concerns about declining data standards, the transparency project which in 2009 launched an online database of EU fisheries subsidies from 1994 to 2006, has launched a new database of payments under the European Fisheries Fund, from 2007 to 2010. The fisheries subsidy database […]
EU-Court: Publishing of farmsubsidies aginst human rights
It conflicts with human rights to publish names and amounts on recipients of EU farm subsidies. This has the European Court of Justice decided. Germany and Ireland have now shut down their websites, but the information can be found on Today it’s hard to tell the consequenses of the decission. See Jack Thurstons, Brigitte […]